Today is a beautiful, but hot, day! I’m writing, while Callee is playing, Jeffrey is relaxing, and Lexi is napping. It reminds me how lucky I am to be here and really makes me reflect on how I got here. I know God had this planned this entire time yet it wasn’t any easy road. My faith was tested repeatedly and I often lost sight of Him and His glory. Here is my story…
My story starts off like most stories I’ve heard. I grew up in a Southern Baptist Church. I attended Sunday school and “Big Church” as we called it. My great uncle and great aunt had a lot to do with that. They would pick me and all the neighboring kids up and haul us to church. Granted, the church was within walking distance from my parents’ house. It was a small church that only held maybe 50 people. I was little and just enjoyed the stories and activities. I honestly don’t remember much about that church. I mainly remember the phone calls from my great aunt that said she was on her way to pick us up for Sunday school. We would be rushing to be ready for when she arrived, which was only 5 minutes after she called. My brothers and I could never be on time. lol